
读后总结: Aqueous dispersion of nanobubbles: Generation, properties and features


  • Nanobubbles: high stability, longevity and high surface area per volume,rapid attachment to hydrophobic surfaces
  • 150-200nm (mean diameter) NBs and MBs-microbubbles (about 70μm)
  • The NBs mean diameter and concentration only slightly varied within 14 days.
  • After the NBs were attached to the surface of a gain of pyrite, the NBs dramatically increased the population of MBs, which shows the enhancement of particle hydrophobicity due to NBs adhesion. 这里的描述有点像另一篇文献(Role of hydrodynamic cavitation in fine particle flotation)里的第二种气泡附着机理。Schematic illustration of possible roles of hydrodynamic cavitation in fine particle flotation
  • Experimental evidence of NBs was provided by Miller et al. (1999), who used RTIR spectroscopy to incestigate the n-butane-saturated water at a hydrophobic silicon solid.
  • 此文章中对NB的定义超过了100nm,ten to hundreds of nanometers in radius
  • AFM images revealed that they form spherical caps, but the precise shape of the NBs remains unclear
  • bulk NBs到底什么意思???
  • DI water at 23℃±1: $3μS*cm^(-1)$ conductivity, $72.5±0.1mN*m^(-1)$ surface tension, natural equilibrium pH of 5.5


  1. blue methylene dye as the contrast medium|亚甲蓝
    Strukturformel von Methylenblau
  2. α-Terpinol|松油醇
    α-, β-, γ-, 4-Terpinol
    (Hao的实验里用的是pine ole/Pineöl,需要思考两种起泡剂的区别)


  1. pyrite(fairly hydrophobic mineral)|黄铁矿

Messtechnik used in this article

  1. Fourier transform infrared(FTIR)
  2. Atomic Force Microscope(AFM)
  3. Light scatting
  4. resonant mass mearsurement
  5. ZetaSizer Nano instrument, which uses Laser Doppler Micro-electrophoresis
  6. Nanoparticle-tracking analysis: NTA
  7. ZetaSizer Nano ZS




Vokabeln Übersetzung
dramatically 引人注目地
notably 显著地
sustainable 可持续的;不破坏生态的
immerse 沉浸于
aqueous 水态的
gaseous 气态的
submerge 完全掩盖
affinity 吸引力
void 空间
readily 容易地
joint 连接
circumstance 环境
presumably 据推测
Deionized(DI) water 去离子水
tap water 自来水
resin 树脂
abundant 大量的,充足的
rinse 冲洗,漂洗
saline 含盐的
buoyancy 浮力
magnification 放大率
sterile syringe 无菌的 注射器
tip 尖端
shutter 快门
arithmetically 算术上的
duplicate 两- (见下)
triplicate 三-(见下)
quadruplicates experiments 四组重复实验
disposable 一次性的
aforementioned 前面提到的
styrofoam 泡沫聚苯乙烯
chronometer 精密计时器